Daryl’s story
Listen to Daryl give his story about how Apex Scotland helped him on his journey.
Previous to starting the Apex Scotland Build It Course, I worked in Social Housing (Housing Associations) for 30 years. I went through quite a difficult relationship breakdown, and it affected every part of my life. We ended up reconciling a few times but both of us began to use alcohol more frequently. The relationship finally broke down completely and it was quite acrimonious, and I ended up with a criminal conviction. My work life was severely affected, and I ended up leaving my employment. My life was in a mess, and I thought I would never work again.
I voluntarily attended alcohol counselling and managed to get myself back to a good place.
I registered with some employment support agencies, Elevate & Choiceworks, the latter recommended me to Apex Scotland where I Started the Build It Course.
The course group was so diverse in respect of ages, ethnicities, and cultures. We very quickly formed a tight-knit, friendly and supportive group which remained through the whole course. Along with the advice, support, and guidance from the Apex Scotland Team (Louise, Denise & Katy) and our group teamwork we assisted, encouraged and carried each other through the course.
Every one of us passed all the course qualifications, and it was such a great feeling for us all knowing that as well as the fantastic guidance we were getting, that we all stuck together as a group and did it. I personally gained qualifications in First Aid, Health & Safety, Manual Handling, C.S.C.S. Labourer’s Card, and a PASMA qualification. I have taken so much knowledge and friendship from this course that will prove to be invaluable. I also gained an updated professional C.V. and valuable employability skills. The site visits we went on to Sunbelt & H.M.P. Glasgow were great. They were extremely professional, informative and rewarding. The Apex Scotland team also assisted me with Disclosure and Subject Access Request issues that were a major concern to me. They also helped me draft a cover letter regarding my convictions.
I am as yet not in employment, as I am waiting to do a Forklift Handler course via Jobs & Business Glasgow, who we engaged with via the Apex Scotland course, but I am very confident that on completion of the forklift course I will be in a great position to gain employment.
I asked Louise if I could come in and have a chat with the next course. Louise kindly allowed this and thought it would be good. Today I did this and spoke to the group, explaining my journey, and how the course helped me. I encouraged all the guys to adopt the same attitude and principles of my own group, and they will do well. I really enjoyed the opportunity to talk to the new group, as I wanted to give something back to this wonderful, important & worthwhile course.
This course has been a life saver for me, and I cannot praise the Apex Scotland & Choiceworks Teams enough. It has really turned my life around. I have been praising it and promoting it to everyone who will listen to me.
All the very best team and thank you all so much for everything.
Listen to Daryl give his story about how Apex Scotland helped him on his journey.
As a teen I was a troubled young man, I had experienced a lot of trauma and had even more issues I could not deal with as a young person.